Christine before the accident

Christine after the accident

Christine after the accident
Christine's homepage: www.chris-come-home.com

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The attempted murder and the insurance fraud covered up by
American Court and the Police
The fate of my daughter Christine Fritsch as an exchange student and
medical student in the USA
dear daughter (German citizen, born in Minden), the pride of our family, did
nothing wrong in the USA, she is just a victim of an elite insurance fraud
modern plutocrats.
My daughter, as a German citizen is not allowed to come
home, she is a prisoner of the American insurance swindlers.
Our homepage is based only on a part of documents that we’ve received.
was an excellent student who had skipped two grades and was a junior in
College at age seventen (17). My daughter (German citizenship, born May 27th,
1978 in Minden, NRW, Germany) enthusiastically wanted to study and make a
career in the USA, but unfortunately she was accommodated in a criminal family
as exchange student.
Christine Fritsch, a young exchange student from Bad Oeynhausen, Germany,
after innocently being involved in a car accident, is arrested by misterious
circumstances in a private care home near Detroit, Michigan.
The responsible American authorities and insurance defrauders prevent Christine's
return to home. It is all about a lot of money
of various falsified assurances which the insurance swindlers effected in the
name of my daughter, and they incorporated themselves as beneficiaries.
The American insurance ring and the German civil servants enriched themselves
illegaly by means of the attempted murder.
It is a criminal and unbelievable fact that American lawyers, judges, the
police and German civil servants disguise the planned murder of my daughter
and the insurance fraud for over 10 (ten) years now.
how the modern American Mafia of insurance cheaters works today: recruiting of
foreign exchange students from "decent American families'', then the
completition of fake insurances and false papers of organ doners and then
murder by manipulated accidents to get the money from the insurances and to
sell precious organes to the rich patients.
of NATIONAL INTERES ( reason of state = Staatsräson ) and on arrangement of politicians, the homicide and crimes
on foreign students is covered up by the American authorities ( politicians,
Police, FBI and judiciary ) and are presented to the public as „unhappy
accidents“ or they never become public.
daughter's case was not even published in the local newspaper (The
Huron Times Herald or Marine City News).
the insurance fraud mafia can`t kill your kids and they end up handicapped , they
deviate the cases to corrupt family judges in order to make the criminals
involved conservators or guardians, so the biological parents cannot take
legal action in the USA.
that, there are endless trials in order to cover up the criminal actions of
the insurance criminals. You, as
parents, do not have a chance to ever find out the truth, let alone to
find justice.
modern American mafia, like the Googasian Band, is a refined web formed of
corrupt judges, lawyers, politicians, policemen, doctors and criminals, who
work as a paralel state and distroyes people`s trust in the American
permanent cover up of the American justice on my daughter`s murder attempt in
order to cash in the insurance does not agree with our understanding of a free
apeal is adressed to you, mothers and fathers: let your kids study in your own
countries or in Europe, because in the USA there are a lot of chances for the
kids to get killed or become handicaped, like my own daughter.
Please forward the link to this homepage to your
friends, acquaintances, relatives and to authorities ( officials (politicians,
police, etc.)

The criminal
Klazo Treusch, now
Masha Treusch-Pelzer
for the Democratic Party
in City Hall
274 North Main Street
Marine City, Michigan
Ph: (810) 765-5754

The corrupt officials
Linda Seatts, now director of the insurance department at the University of
Wayne, Detroit. Tel: (313) 577-3422
274 North Main St, Marine City, MI 48039, USA, Phone: (810) 765-5754
The hostparents Dr. Paul and Marie Treusch have
contracted several falsified car- and life insurances for my daughter with my
daughter's college money and put themselves and their accomplices into the
position of the beneficiary. Those contracts were signed when my daughter was
a minor as well as when she was adult.
Some time later - one month after the last falsified insurance contract was
signed - Christine was severely injured in a manipulated car accident (September
30th, 1996).
host family Dr. Paul and Masha Treusch together with Brian Lynch (my
daughter's ex-boyfriend) and Jeremy Manion had bought a car for my daughter
Christine with the money for her tuition fees (27.000 Dollar, transferred to
Paul and Masha Treusch's account in July 1996).
It was identical with the car of the driver Jeremy Manion (as to the
brand of car, auto model, the color, year of construction) - 1992 PONTIAC
planed accident was made with Jeremy Manion`s car ( neighbor of the Treusch`s)
and the fake insurance were made together with Jeremy Manion`s mother who
lives across the street from the Treusch family and with whom they were
My daughter, Christine Fritsch was sitting on the seat next to the driver so
the false impression was that my daughter`s car was involved in the accident.
the car of my daughter was not involved in the accident, the insurance of my
daughter pays everything.
You can read in all the documents of Mr. Attorney Googasian that the Insurance
Policy Number was “unknown”.
sent the first query (a registered letter) concerning the falsified
signature in the insurance contract to Michigan State Police in July
that shortly afterwards on October
13th, 2001 Dr. Paul Treusch was found dead
in his second home / apartment (1255
N Oakland Blvd # 100, Waterford, MI 48327-1582) in
Waterford, ca. 80 kilometers
from his dwelling place). The police did not investigate his mysterious death.
Mr.Treusch was a diabetic (insulindependent) and an alcoholic. My
daughter often told me that there often were disputes in the family
because of Mr. Treusch's alcohol problem and that he often was not able
to drive to his office because of his alcohol problem.
is very likely that he has been murdered by his wife or an accomplice of the
insurance fraud (e.g. by a larger insulin dose) because he did not know
anything about the falsified university insurance that his wife had contracted
or he (at best) found out about this much later when
family Treusch got the indemnification.
The handwriting and
signature belong only to his wife Marsha Treusch.
Mr. Treusch has been murdered (in the night of October 13th,
2001) we live
with the constant fear that something could happen to my daughter or my
family and that we could get murdered by Googosian and his accomplices
or hired killers from Eastern Europe or elsewhere. We mainly have fear
when we visit our daughter in the USA.
daughter told me several times that she had to do house-work at the Treuschs
especially on Saturdays getting only little money and that she had to look
after the Treusch’s children when the parents went out.
Moreover she had to help the children doing their homework for school.
The female cheater Maria Treusch is politically active at the city hall of Marine
City, MI 48039 (now Commisioner Masha Treusch-Pelzer,the Democratic Party ).
She candidated for the mayor position ( D ) of Marine City, MI.
The accomplices of the Treusch family are mentioned
(Learn more......)

Wayne State University
School of Medicine

State Farm Insurance

The office of Financial and
Insurance Services, MI
one of the most progressive countries like the USA, it must not be possible that
American host families and foreign persons can contract falsified insurances
(at the state insurances and at the universities and colleges) in the name of
our children and without knowledge of the children themselves or their parents.
As beneficiary of my daughter’s insurance (Mega
Life) the family of Dr. Paul and Masha Treusch is registered in the policy the
Treuschs are the family where my daughter stayed in the USA.
(Dr. Paul and Masha Treusch; 274 North Main St, Marine City, MI 48039, Ph:
(810) 765-5754).
I instantly reported the
falsification to the police department in Michigan by a registered letter with
copies, but I did not get an answer till today.
The falsification of the handwriting and the signature was proved by a
graphological analysis.
The FBI Detroit demanded Information from us which we sent them. We did not
receive an answer up to now. We hope that the FBI's investigation does not get
disturbed by politicians.
The insurance companies (Michigan State Farm
Insurance and Mega Life) deny inspection of files and refuse to give copies of
the insurance policies to me or to my lawyer, although I am Conservator and
full-Guardian; without giving any explanation for their behaviour.
We were refused any audience at the State Farm Insurance; while we were
waiting in the lobby, the doorman was told to tell us that they do not want to
speak to us.
Ring could only proceed the multiple insurance fraud frictionless with the
help of an internal defrauder Ring at Michigan State Farm Insurance and Mega
Life Insurance; otherwise the deal would not have worked out.
with the help of his accomplices, he will make the false insurance disappear,
just like our reclamations to the Michigan State Police disappeared.
American Mafia (like the Googasian gang) has a powerful
loby in Politics, justice and the American media.
None will touch the insurance
cheaters, or they will reveal everything.
OFIS (Office
of Financial and Insurance Service, MI) may not get any information from the
insurance company about the insurance fraud. OFIS is, as they say, not responsible for the frauds
made by lawyers George Googasian, Sharby Pleban and Ronald Walker and is not
allowed to interfear in theri business. Further,
take a look at the falsified insurances.
( The letter of 10. 26.2004,
David C. Hollister, Director & Deb McDaniels, Analist Consumer Service, Ph:
(517) 373-0220, Michigan ).
The criminal defrauder
George A. Googasian
6895 Telegraph Road,
Bloomfield Hills,
Ph: (248) 540-3333,
Fax: (248) 540-7213, Email: contact@googasian.com

The criminal
defrauder Attorney
Thomas H. Howlett

The criminal
Craig M. Weber

Michigan State Police
Field Detective Division,
D/Sgt.P.J. Moore
1501 Huron Street
Ypsilanti, MI, 48197

an advice from Mrs. Sharbyn Pleban (as a guardian ad Litem), Brian Lynch and
Marsha Treusch-Klatzo, we changed our lawyer from R. Daane to Googasian.
I was
always told that Googasian has important political functions and has powerful
relations with some important politicians and he can help me better.
I did not know that we were about to be caught in the criminal web of the
Googasian Gang.
Several Million Dollars of disability money from life insurances and payments
of the Road Commission St. Clair, Michigan, USA were criminally
to a letter from the St. Clair Country Road Commission (Memorandum, Date: May
2, 1998) there is a $10,5 million as compensation, and a big part of it was
stolen by Googasian`s gang. As
a reward to his generous contribution to the manipulation of the accident they
stole and divided between them some of the milions.
the help of corrupt judges
and his accomplices
as Conservator
the Googasian gang will not let my daughter go home because they haven`t yet
cashed in the money that would come from my daughter`s death insurance.
Until now, they have only
cahsed in the millions from St.
Clair Road Commission and the disablement money.
This is the reason that my daughter is held there until her death. After 10
years, the files of St. Clair Road Commission will be destroyed
and Googasians criminal actions will be time-barred.
This money was distributed among the accomplices, insurance agents and persons
who hushed
Today the Googasian Ring is the modern American mafia, working like a paralell
state, shattering the people's faith into the righteous state USA.
was very naive at that time and blindly believed in my attorney Mr. Googasian
because I could never imagine that an American attorney is so criminal and
infamously cheated his clients.
You must act in a criminal and fraudulent manner to get rich (like
Attorney George Googasian and his employees John T. Roger, Craig m. Weber and
Thomas H. Howlett are a disgrace to the American State.
The criminal machinery of the Googasian gand contradicts the American
cashed in $ 170,000.00 only for my daughter's
case, not to mention the millions stolen from fraud insurance.
Under the threat that we will tell the police everything and after a fight in
his office, we got copies of a part of
my daughter's papers in august 2001.
Although l as mother had the function of the Conservator and full-Guardian
according to American Law from the beginning, I neither was informed about,
nor invited to the legal proceedeing or the mediation in which my daughter's
compensation was negotiated about.
I only found out about the legal proceedings and mediation by looking through
Googasian files in August 2001.
criminal defrauder Googasian is one of the star donators for the prominent politicians of the
Michigan Democratic Party and exclusively at the Governor
Jennifer Granholm (D), Mr. Senator Carl Levin (D), und Ms. Debbie
Stabenow (D).
can be only one explication: either he gave a lot of money from the stolen
millions to powerful politicians, who gave orders to be covered everything up
or the money were used illegally used to finance their election campaigns.
steep political career is due
to the corruption and donations to the prominent politicians and that
was the only way that he and his accomplices could practice the most
profitable business of all times: insurance fraud.
Please look at his plentiful donations in the Internet (from $500,00 or
$5,000.00 to $100,000.00 Dollars)
With the grifted millions from the insurances he can afford to be generous and
to corrupt even more persons.
Despite all the media (
TV and newspapers
) and all my reclamations to the Police, the FBI and
to the
American and German Authorities, the Googasian gang blocked the
FBI and Police investigations.
FBI Detroit refuses to investigate the criminal acts done by the Googasian
gang, with the excuse that the faked signatures of the insurances, the
manipulated reconstruction of the accident and other evidence “that there is
insufficient predication to initiate an FBI
got this answer after five years and two personal audiences.
from the FBI in Detroit from December 15, 2006, Mr. Daniel D. Roberts,
Special Agent in Charge and Mr. Robert E. Hughes, Supervisory Senior Resident
Agent )
Daniel D. Roberts of the FBI Detroit was suspended due to inadequate work ( cover-up of the
and the criminal actions in Michigan ) on 11.01.2007, and Mr.
Andrew G. Arena became the new head of the FBI Detroit. See the
11.01.2007 report of the FBI
National Press Office.
May 8, 2007 (from 9 to 12 o´clock in presence of a translator) we had an
audience at the FBI Detroit. We hope that the FBI Detroit this time will not
cover up the attempted murder of my daughter for the purpose of insurance
fraud as hitherto.
The crime on my
daughter for insurance fraud is a state secret for the American judiciary and the
FBI Detroit.
For rich criminals ( like the Googasian-ring ) the constitutional
doesn’t work.
accuse the modern Mafia or testify against them is like commiting suicide.
a.) The
interesting thing is that the Ypsilanti State Police, Mr. Moore told us in the presence of our lawyer and our translator,
that our claims we had written over the years and have send to the USA (sent
from Germany as well as from inside the USA) were not registered in the Police
computer and that is why they could not start the investigation.
He said that the letters might have been lost in at the postal service or that
we have had written false addresses on them.
At the Ypsilanti State Police, they took only a copy from us and they
said that we do not have to file a complaint and that we do not need a
register number; at the hearing we must only say the name of the officer who
we spoke to.
To put it more clearly:
Again we have been prevented to submit a
Interesting is the fact that Googasian's Ring could make the letters at the
Police disappear and prevent them from being registered. The USA are a state
of right, not any state in Africa.
Despite his above mentioned claim, his fake statement is saved in the Michigan
police-computer under the number: Incident No. 026-0001750-04 (DB), Tue, Mar
30, 2004
Although Mr. Sgt. Moore from the Michigan Police hasn’t done any
investigation on the insurance documents, the fake signatures or the embezzled
funds, he asserts to the Washtenaw County prosecution that no criminal acts
were involved.
(D/Sgt. P.J.Moore, Ph: (734) 482-1213, 1501 Huron S, Ypsilanti, MI 48197, E-mail:
My lawyer reported the falsified insurance and
the falsified signatures to Mr. Mike Cox (R) (Attorney General of Michigan State) and Mr.
Brian L. Mackie
(D) (Chief
Prosecuting Attorney of
Washtenaw County, MI). He has not received an answer and none was received.
was no answers to my letters about my daughter's murder attempt in order to
cash the false insurance send to the First
Lady Laura Bush, Mr. President Bush, FBI Detroit, Governor of Michigan Ms.
Governor Jennifer Granholm, woman Chancellor
Angela Merkel
( the German Parliament No:
4-16-05-003-003735 ),
the Police, etc.
the elitist persons and powerful American and German officials are involved in
this worth millions insurance fraud, no doubt on politicians' orders there are
further cover-ups as before.
insurance frauds (Googasian ring) want to cover up the whole case for 10 years.
After that everything is outdated and the falsified documents will be
dear daughter will continue to suffer and she will remain the prisoner of the
insurance mafia.
(Learn more......)

The corrupt German
Official: Vice Consul
Thomas Scherer
German Consulate,
676 N.
Michigan Avenue, Suite
3200, Chicago, IL 60611
Ph: (312) 202-0480;
now in the
German Consulate General, Los Angeles, California,
Ph: (323) 930 7622
Email: losangeles@germany.info

The corrupt German
former Vice Consul
Gerhard Einheuser
Consulate, Chicago, now
of legal department, German
Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: (0066-2) 285 6232
The corrupt German Officials:
German Consulate
General, Los Angeles,
California &
in Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany,
Head of legal
department, Bangkok, Thailand,
(0066-2) 285 6232.
defraudation of documents and the selling of documents to interested people is
a lucrative business for the corrupt clerks of the German Consulate like Mr.
Thomas Scherer, Vice-consul, and Mr. Einheuser, chief of the law department.
The German Freedom of Information Act became effective in January 1st,
2006 the German authorities ( Lower House of German Parliament and Department
for Foreign Affairs ) denies us access records.
The cover-up of the crime on my daughter is a state secret, and the law
of the constitutional state (!) Germany does not apply to high-ranking public
officials who steal money by insurance frauds, like in the USA
The documents of my daughter of German
Consulate Chicago and from the Foreign Office have disappeared without a trace.
(Foreign Office, Letter from November 19rd,
2003, Gz: 507-520 E 7519;507,author OAR: Schnettger).
At the trial
on the 10th of February 2003, when I - as natural mother - was
dismissed from my function as Conservator and (again) the criminal Brian Lynch
was appointed to my position instead, Mr. GERHARD
EINHEUSER thanked the American judge Kirkendall for his
brilliant pleading and the adherence of my daughter in the USA - better
said - on his idle talk with the purpose of hiding the murder attempt
on my daughter and the cashing of false insurances and holding my daughter in
the USA.
Mr. Einheuser - the representative of the German government - did not even
mention the insurance, not to mention the insurance fraud.
In the
to the Prosecuting Attorney Bielefeld (44 Js 1661/05) he strongly affirms that
the German Consulate found out about my daughter's accident only in
Although the former consul, Dr. Marianne Wannow, visited me and my daughter at
the Ann Arbor University Hospital, about 2 weeks after the accident, in Oct.
Plus, the German Consulate received my daughter's accident protocol from the
St. Clair Police Department via fax (on the 17th
of October), which was never send to me. See Consulate Stamp on the fax.
It is impudent of Mr. Einheuser to state that the German Consulate received
information about my daughter's accident only at the middle of 2001.
A blank in his memory and the memory gap is an elementary condition to a
corrupt civil servant, who forgot everything that might incriminate him.
From the beginning the corrupt German officials of the consulate have
covered up everything and lied to me. The German
consulate in Chicago, (Mr.
Thomas Scherer, Viceconsul and Mr.
Gerhard Einheuser) were bribed by the Googasian Ring and always advised
me to do nothing and just to wait composedly.
The German Consulate Chicago refuses to demand any information about my
daughter's insurances from the insurance companies or from the American
authorities (Insurance or Court Ann Arbor, MI) with the excuse ''
that this
request would not be successful ''.
(Dagmar Schmidt of SPD; Letter of Generalkonsulat Chicago from April 23rd,
2004, Gz.: RK 520 Fritsch).
to the letter from 13.12.2004 from the
„the german government can’t help my daughter“
(Karlheinz Guttmacher,from the FDP. President of the
Committee on
of the Parlament Pet:
4-15-05-003-016208a ).
For the German Foreign Office in Berlin „the nationality of my daughter
plays a secondary role“
(Letter from 13.12.2001 of the Department for Foreign Affairs, Gz: 507-520 E
7519, 507, Author: Heinrich Schnettger)
The homicide and crimes done to our children in the USA and other foreign
countries are considered a private affair of the affected families by the
German Government, the German embassies and consulates and thus we as parents
are at the mercy of the criminal gangs.
Committee on Petitions refuses us access records or copies of the submitted
statements of the Foreign Office to the German Parliament.
German government denies to ask the American authorities, if my daughter ist
the victim of an insurance fraud.
( Letter from the April 13rd,
2005, Wolfram Kolodziej-Derfert and leter from February 21rd,2007,
Margrit Weisel und Kersten Naumann, from the Linke/PDS,
President of the
Committee on Petitions,
we weren’t allowed access records we assume that on behalf of the German
authorities, the American authorities made the passport of my daughter
“physical invalid” or that her German citizenship was detracted because
the Googasian Ring could supply her the American citizenship.
German consulate and the Government not only have assisted to cover up the
criminal acts, but have actively hindered my daughter from coming home.
That’s why access records was refused.
As political civil servants, these defrauders enjoy
a special treatment, the law does not apply to them like to any other citizen; they are above the law of the German State.
(Learn more ......)

Hon. Darlene O' Brien
Family Division, Washtenaw County Trial Court
Ph: (734) 222-3072
101 East Huron Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48107-8645
cheater Paul DeCailly
124 Pearl Street, Suite 603
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Ph: (734) 222-9835
Fax: (734) 2229835
corrupt Judge JOHN
N. KIRKENDALL, Family Division Washtenaw
Trial Court, Ann Arbor, Michigan; File No. 96-110,125-CG
( former Guardian ad litem )
2950 S.State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, Ph: (734) 222-6200, Email: sharbyn@yahoo.com
we have faced insurmountable obstacles from American and German authorities, in November 2005
(for 3 weeks) we protested with banners
against the arbitrariness of the American judge Kirkendall outside of the
court in Ann Arbor and outside of the senate of the state of Michigan (Lansing).
Because of corruption and concealment of money thats entitled to
handicapped people (with the
help of insurance frauds), Judge Kirkendall was
suspended from his office on November 23rd2005.
Governor in the past James Blanchard (of
Democratic Party
has appointed Mr. John Kirkendall judge.
Judge Kirkendaall and his gang have defalcated a few million dollar from the
judiciary and from disabled and elder persons. Only in 11 cases (out of 722
cases) the prosecution could get 300,000 dollar back.
You can read about it on the Internet in and the Newspapers The Ann
Arbor News
(November 23rd,
and The
Ann Arbor Observer (May 2007).
were lied to and cheated in the USA.
For fear of the insurance swindlers none of my attorneys wanted to appeal, because they
would be better off financially when they would assist to cover up everything.
all likelihood the insurance frauds have negotiated a deal with the Judiciary
and the Prosecution and thus could buy themselves free.
That’s why the Judiciary and the FBI refuse to start an investigation at
the St. Clair Road Commission on the insurance fraud and the
defalcation of the money.
were blackmailed and we were put under considerable pressure by the German and
American authorities who request that we shall not mention the insurance fraud,
the manipulated reconstruction of the accident and names of the
corrupt executives.
A lot of data and videotaping (DVD) of my
daughter and the trials with Judge John Kirkendall and Darlene O´Brien are
not findable any more or were partially or completely deleted.
yhe criminals distroed my daughter, cashed the milions from the fake
insurances and some other milions from the St.Clair Road Commission Budget ,
they stole my daughter`s ransom also.
criminal defrauder, Lawyer
Sharbyn Pleban ( appointed
Guardian ad litem by Judge Kirkendall )
stole, in June 2001, all the
compensation money for my daughter ($ 407,846.77) from Comerica Bank and split
the money with Judge Kirkendall, Brian Lynch and other cheats.
According to the nov 2nd fax 2006 adressed to
the Washtenaw Probate Court, the confiscated money were split between the
defrauders. Total stolen
money: $ 208.206,45
-- Sharbyn Pleban -
$86.447,43 Dollar;(
+ 35.000,00 =
$121,447.43 stolen ) Separately she could rip off
$35.000 only in 2001 from the compromised
Michigan State Insurance. We weren’t allowed to learn how much money she got
in those 7 years from all the insurances.
2950 S.State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, Ph: (734) 222-6200, Email:
sharbyn@yahoo.com )
Lynch was given only $ 43,412.50
which he put in his
Bank1One (now "Chase") account in Ann Arbor.( 4414 Maple
Pointe Trial,Grand Blanc, MI 48439, Email: blynch@gm.com and dali48049@hotmail.com
-- Andrew L . Blemish - $69.796,91 to my lawyer who has cheated us basely and was separately payed with
A.L. Bemish, P.C. 409 Plymouth Road, Suite 200, Plymouth, Michigan 48170;
(734) 459-7990;
email: albemishpc@yahoo.com
Constance Jones - $22;309,84
Brian Lynch`s attorney
( 300 N. Fifth
Ave., Ste. 220, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104; Tel: (734) 747-9989, Fax: 734-994-1201, email:
Francis D. Grohnert - 17.250,52 Dollar
( as a Attorney ad litem) 8077
Main St; Dexter, MI 48130-1027;
Phone (734)
426-4597; email: grohnert@mindspring.com )
is no mention in the fax of how much money judge Kirkendall and the german
worker (Viceconsul
Thomas Scherer , Gerhard Einheuser und Ms. Dagmar Schmidt of SPD)
now, on the 2nd of november 2006, after 5 years, did we find out about the
stolen monet from my daughter`s account and about my lawyer, Andrew L. Blemish.
his clients by charging more money is not ilegal in the USA and the
Police, or the FBI are not allowed to interfear with in justice`s
kind of cheating is considered a private business of the affected people.
continuing cover up of my daughter`s murder attempt by judge
Darlene O'Brien in order to cash in the false insurance, Family
division from
Washtenaw County Trial Cout in Ann Arbor, Tel: (734) 222-3072,
Michigan, USA.
John Kirkendall's place, Governor Jennifer Granholm ( D ) named Judge Darlene O'Brien as a family
Darlene O´Brien denies to institute investigations regarding the insurance
fraud and the defalcation of millions of dollars by the St. Clair Road
Commission. She instructed all the lawyers not to mention the insurance fraud
any more.
Under Judge Darlene O´Briens control the rest of my daughter´s money (
201,000.00 dollar) is being stolen by fake bills, like under the control of
judge Kirkendall; e.g. Brian Lynch´s lawyer, Constance Jones got 5,200.50
Mr. Dennis Mauch told us on May 10th, 2007 ( in presence of Mr. Milton Hill
and a translator) that only judge Darlene O´Brien could request access
records of the insurance companies by warrant, but she would not do that
because she was told to cover up the whole issue by powerful politicians.
These powerful politicians are definitively Googasian and the politicians he
bribed from the Michigan Democratic Party.
the first trial, in May 25th 2006, we were accused by Brian Lynch and his accomplices due to our website
. This
website is an offense to the fraud mafia.
lawyer refused to mention the false signatures and the false
insurance and said it was because judge O`Brien
is too busy with the fraud insurance; or, at the judge`s order, this
theme is not under discussion. I
was not allowed to speak and noone asked for my opinion.
trial that took place was bogus
and our impression remained: everything will be covered up like before. We
did not get an authorized translator although we insisted on that. I had to
pay again for my own translator.
she listened to what the lawyers had to say, judge O'Brien decided:
The Wright to speak is guaranteed by the American Constitution. We only have
to delete from our website the insurance number so it will not be used
abusively by other persons.
b). Brian
Lynch (as a conservator and guardian) and Francis Grohnert (as guardian ad
Litem) are released immediately from their functions and I immediately
received my function as a conservator and full-guardian that was illegally
taken from me by judge Kirkendall.
Christine`s case will be
reconsidered. The next trial will take place in the
next 3 months after the stolen money and insurance policies issues will be
the whole problem, there will be 2 new conservators and guardians: Denis E.
Mauch and
Mr. Milton Hill.
After the decisions were
announced, Mr. Grohnert asked to speak for the third time and asked when the
decision of him being released from his function will be effective. The judge
instantly answered: "From right now. From this very moment on.".
These decisions and Mr. Grohnert's following third intervention, both were
deleted from the video tape.
decisions made by judge Darlene O'Brien were confirmed severeal times by our
private translator and by lawyer.
Only at
the court procedure on September 7th , 2006 and the Mediation on
November 11th, 2006 we found out about the
dimension of the illegal cover-up and the manipulation of the
DVD of the court procedure.
reason for the complete revision of the court orders can be easily guessed:
either the judge O'Brien was corrupted by the Googasian gang or she had to modify her
decision at the order of the politicians.
1.) From
the may 30th 2006 decision, Brian Lynch was left as a Conservator
and Full Guardian until the end of the year although judge O’Brien knew that
since 2001, Brian Lynch, Judge Kirkendall and Sharbyn Pleban stole my
daughter’s money and that he had a key position in Googasian`s
fraud insurance.
were not informed by anyone about the decisions made. For 4 years Brian Lynch
did not file a report to the family division of Ann Arbor.
fact, that Brian Lynch did not do what he was supposed to do as a guardian
not to mention the stolen money was not a problem for judge O'Brien.
And the fact that he got married meanwhile did not stop judge O'Brien to make
him conservator for his ex-girlfriend.
According to the private investigation of the family division of Ann
Arbor, only $ 201.000 could be recuperated from $
407,846.77 which were put into Brian Lynch`s account as a conservator
(Chase Bank in Ann Arbor)
and which he split into 3 other accounts.
Judge O'Brien and the two secretaries are doing a detective's job.
her own wish, judge O'Brien and the two secretaries try to find the stolen
money so they can keep covering up the criminal actions of the Googasian gang.
Our letter with copies from the false insurance papers sent on 19. 06.2006
to Hon. O'Brien (with confirmation in Germany) can not be found in my daughter's file and is not in the
computer, either.
As long as the letter is not in the computer, it can easily be stolen.
have here a copy of the post office confirmation with the signature that
confirms the fact that it was received by the court.
The two video tapes with the 25.05.2006 and 07.09.2006 recordings that we
received from the secretary (Ms. Teresa A. Killen, Ph: (734) 222-3006)
shows the end of the recording (from 03:49:31 PM minimum 5 minutes) with the
important decisions that the judge announced and that were deleted from the
is a criminal act in the justice process. Without this deletion of the
recording the decisions made would not have been revised.
This was a perversion of justice and breaking of the law.
Here you find a recording from both of the video-cds.
we informed judge Darlene O'Brien on the September 7th, 2006 hearing about the false insurance and
signatures, she ordered
only one mediation for the September 11th, 2006 hearing instead of sending my
daughter's criminal case to the criminal division.
The Googasian gang could have covered everything up for 10 years, only with the
help of the corrupt judges.
6.) Again,
my lawyer would not say anything about the false insurance and signatures.
I had the chance to speak and told them about the false insurance and the true
character of Brian Lynch. The judge was annoyed by my unexpected speech and
left the court immediately. She ordered a mediation for Tuesday, September 11th, 2006.
7.) The
care home chief Ms. Moore said under ought that my daughter wants to come home.
Her permanent wish to come home and her freedom are not respected by the
American justice.
(Ms. Dawn E. Moore, Ph: (248) 879-4542,emai:
8.) The judge recommended to my lawyer to file
the requests to the insurance companies and to ask for information about the
stolen money but my lawyer has no right on inspection of records or to
receive information because the juridical function as a mother and Conservator
in the USA was taken away from me.
It would be naive to think that the insurance companies would admit that the
insurances are false or that money were stolen with the help of the false
insurance policies.
long as the police, the FBI , the prosecuting attorney and an independent
institute of graphology will not investigate the false hand writing and
signatures, they can continue lying. They act just like in the corrupt
Kirkendall case; it is the same game, but different players.
9.) At the September 11th, 2006
mediation we were told many times: “we are not allowed to speak about the
false signatures, fraud insurance and stolen money, this is all in the past
and we must forget about this” or “if we continue to speak about the
murder attempt, false insurance and fraud insurance, the American insurance
will not continue to pay for my daughter's care in Germany and the USA and we
have to think only about the future. Period.”
is a judicial procedure (without written or electronic notes) where rich
criminals and frauds meet with their victims. Therby the wrong impression
arouses that victims and criminals have reconciled. Criminals and corrupt
judges use mediation to avoid penal law in the constitutional state USA.
Denis E. Mauch and Milton Hill (new members of the Gaugasian gang) were
appointed as Conservator and Guardian on may 30th, 2006, to cover
up the criminal actions of the insurance frauds.
Only with Mr. Denis Mauch as American Conservator, they can cash in the
insurance money and the left financial assets ($201,000.00) when my daughter
is dead.
the death of my daughter (or after she has been killed) the criminals can sell
her organs, because she has an organ
donor card which is at Brian Lynch or Masha Treush-Pelzer.
By appointing their
accomplices as conservators, criminals can steal money from foreigners and
American citizens in a legal way. Therefore,
I was not used as a Conservator.
the American judiciary i’m just a “foreign person or an interested person”
because my judicial function as bodily mother and the official supervision in
the USA were withdrawn from me by the judiciary.
Dennis E. Mauch, Interim Guardian and Conservator, Krasny and Associates, 1117
N.First St., Suite 111, Ann Arbor, MI 48104, (734) 995-2723, e-mail:
Milton Hill; Guardian Ad Litem, PO Box 130071, Ann Arbor, MI 48113, (734)
lawyer PAUL DECAILLY abandoned his brief without letting us know. Though he
did not work for us any longer, he communicated with us via e-mail and
requested 10,000.00 Dollar for an alleged appeal.
We remitted him 3,000 dollar in December 2006, and we should remit the rest of
the sum later, when he has a hearing at the Supreme Court in Detroit, so he
On May 7th, 2007 we visited him in attendance of a translator (Mrs.
A. Peroz) end he affirmed to us several times that he will continue working
for us and that he will arrange an appointment with the insurance company
etc.The next day at Washtenaw Court (Ann Arbor, MI) we found out about his
base deceit.
probably was obliged to abandon his brief by judge Darlene O`Brien or he was
bribed by the insurance defrauders like my former lawyers George Googasian,
Andrew Bemish, George Heitmanis, Ronald E. Walker, etc.
( Law Offices of Paul DeCailly, PLC; 124 Pearl Street,Suite 603,
Ypsilanti,MI 48197 , Phone: 734-222-9838; Fax: 734-222-9835; E-mail: pdecailly@pdlaw.net
and Tampa,Florida (Satellite Office) 3001 N.Rocky Point Drive.E.Ste 200,
TAMPA, FL 33607, Ph: (813) 286-2909,Fax: (813) 289-7748,
pdecailly@pdlaw.net )
modern way of defraud – the defraud and rip off of clients and being bribed
by the opposition side – is not illegal in the USA and is considered as
private affair of the parties.
This “legal defraud” is common practice of
lawyers in the USA.
family judge O'Brien from the Washtenaw County Trial Court (Ann Arbor, MI,
USA) treats the criminal facts in this case like a family quarrel as if I was
married to Brian Lynch and we were fighting for our daughter.
As long as the criminal case is being judged at the family division in
Washtenaw County Trial Court and the legal procedure is not respected,
everything will be covered up, we will be lyed to.
the courtroom and at the mediation we were told a couple of times to „forget
the past and look into the future“
worries of the Ann Arbor Court were, whether the fraud Brian Lynch could
furthermore administer the remaining moneys of my daughter in Germany, whether
Brian Lynch and his wife could visit Christine 2 or 3 times a year on her
expenses, et cetera.
The wish of my daughter to return to Germany and her
torments didn’t play a role for them and the life of my daughter is worth
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